Benjamin Chance is here!
If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.
Matthew 21:22
As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.
Ecclesiastes 11:5
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Unspeakable Joy - 11 months old
Friday, May 14, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Benjamin's infection
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Prayers for Benjamin
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Overall, Benjamin is doing really well, but he has a very busy schedule. Last week he had an appointment on Monday with his Pulmonologist, Tuesday at Texas Children's Hospital (TCH) for Physical Therapy evaluation, Wednesday at TCH for Occupational Therapy evaluation, and Thursday Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) is coming to the house to work with him on his development. Friday- he had the day off! : ) He will be busy for the next few weeks.
Benjamin is eating great, no choking- thank the Lord, and has slight reflux but is taking Prevacid for it. He now weighs over 13 pounds. He is getting so big. He will be having surgery on May 13th for his hernia and will require anesthesia so please keep him in your prayers.
Thanks for all of your continued prayer support. Benjamin is doing wonderful and looks like a happy and healthy baby!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
46 Days Home Grown
Our latest concern is that he seems to be having more acid reflux than before. This is causing him to breathe heavier, cough, and spit up lots. Please continue to pray for his body's development and healing.
We are enjoying watching Benjamin grow and mature so much. He is now smiling in response to us and seems so happy.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Settling In
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Day 147 - Welcome home Benjamin
To take you back, a little over a week ago the doctors increased Benjamin to full bottle feeds (8 bottles a day) and told us that he would have a sleep study done over the weekend to see what amount of oxygen he would need when he went home. The sleep study is basically letting him sleep over night while changing his oxygen settings every few hours while being hooked up to a machine that records how he does on each setting. His study was a little longer than usual because he was tested on 3 settings - 1/8, 1/4 and 1/2 of a liter of oxygen. We were told that if Benjamin could handle one of these settings, he could go home after his eye exam on Tuesday. After receiving the results late Monday night, the doctors told us he did very well and he would be going home on an 1/8 of a liter - the lowest setting - and an apnea monitor. So on Tuesday night, we decided to room in at the hospital so we could partake in "Care by Parent". While hooking Benjamin up to the apnea monitor, we had a few alarms due to loose leads which was scary and nerve racking. Those familiar with an apnea monitor can relate to the noise, those who are not, imagine a siren blasting in your ear. After settling in our room, we noticed how quiet it was compared to the NICU. Benjamin noticed as well since he started to cry and continued to cry for half the night. Todd and I took turns holding and rocking him and finally about 3am he went to sleep and stayed asleep until 9. The only time he woke up was for his feeding. The first night was tough; I guess Benjamin was breaking us in for parenthood. The following nights Benjamin has been home has been much easier since we had some idea of what to expect, plus we have had our mom's help us during the nights.
So far, Benjamin really seems to be adjusting well to being at home. We took him to his first appointment with his new Pediatrician on Thursday and he now weighs 10 pounds 6 ounces. : ) We are so thankful to God for our precious miracle and thank each of you for your prayers over the past 147 days. Please keep Benjamin in your prayers for steady progress and development as he grows and matures. He will have another eye exam this Tuesday and another Pediatrician visit on Thursday. He is scheduled for an appointment with his Pulmonologist in 1 month and hopefully they will determine he no longer requires oxygen assistance.
We are so excited that this day has finally come. We had no idea what was in store for us when I went into premature labor at only 23 weeks on that September night, but God did. He knew what a blessed day it would be when we finally got to bring him home. Our God is BIG! He has given us the most precious gift in the world with our son Benjamin.
Friday, February 5, 2010
New Pictures
Day 141- Jeremiah 29:11
Well, we have been staying extremely busy trying to keep up with Benjamin's progress. We started out trying to be at the hospital to give him all of his bottle feeds, but soon it became too much. The doctors have been increasing him on the # of bottles he's taking quite rapidly. Just two days ago he was taking 6 bottles and yesterday they bumped him up to 8 bottles a day. We found out today that the plan is to send him home next week!!!! He is still on 1/4 Liter of oxygen and will be going home on some amount of oxygen but we aren't sure yet how much. They will conduct a few sleep tests to determine if he needs 1/2, 1/4 or 1/8 Liter. We are so ready to bring him home! Every time we visit and hold him it feels as if he is longing to get out of there. He is doing so wonderful-all thanks to God! He also has a tremendous team of nurses and doctors who have taken great care of him. Benjamin will have quite a few follow up appointments soon after leaving the hospital, but hopefully he will get home and really thrive. He is now weighing 9 lbs. 11.4 ounces. Wow!!! He is blowing through those clothes.
He will have another eye exam this Tuesday to determine if his eyes are developed enough to allow him to go home and just have follow up appointments from there.
Please continue to pray for Benjamin. We are so looking forward to bringing him home soon.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Day 130- Great Expectations
Today Benjamin's doctors advanced him from taking 3 bottles by mouth to 4. The plan is that he should be able to go home sometime very soon after he masters 8 bottles by mouth a day. The doctor's continue to seem amazed at Benjamin's progress. I realize it is a sign of God's true intervention throughout this experience. Benjamin has also begun non nutritive breastfeeding and will continue to learn until hopefully he is able to switch to full feeds this way.
Please keep Benjamin's eyes in your prayers. He has another big exam tomorrow. We're praying that they'll find his eyes have finished developing and won't require surgery. God is working miracles in this little guy's life daily and we are so thankful for each day we have with him.
"If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."
Matthew 21:22
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Day 124- Graduation Day to Level II
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Day 117 - Doing great
Benjamin now gets to play in a bouncing chair. They put him in it yesterday and soon after it started to vibrate, the batteries died, so he didin't get to play that long. The nurse said that he seemed to enjoy the few minutes it was on though. They will try it again today.
They should be trying him on a bottle in the next few days.
Today is another eye exam. Hopefully they continue to develop correctly.
Benjamin now weighs 7 lbs, 11 ounces.
Please continue to pray for Benjamin's development.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Day 112 - Benjamin's Original Due Date
Overall, Benjamin is doing pretty good. He is still on nasal cannula, and has been on it full time for about a week, but is still adjusting to receiving just oxygen and no pressure. He has some days where he does really well and just cruises, but there have been a few days were his acid reflux seems to really effect him. He is still having some brady's where his heart rate drops. Usually he recovers on his own, but Monday he had a brady where they had to provide him breathing assistance by the resuscitation bag. The doctors just started him on acid reflux medicine so hopefully this helps him out.
He still has mild ROP in his eyes, but they are still developing. He will have another eye exam in a week.
Once he is more comfortable on nasal cannula, the next step is to try feeding him with a bottle.
Please continue to keep him in your prayers. We know God is still working in Benjamin's life.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Happy New Year- Day 109
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Day 103 - Update
Benjamin's eye exam today was the same as last week, still mild ROP, but his eyes are still developing.
We are still waiting on the report for his kidney's and that should be in tomorrow.
Benjamin tried nasal cannula (NS) for the first time today and it seems like he handled it ok. He did have another bradycardia while on NS during one of his feeds, but he bounced back. Hopefully this gets under control soon.
They are taking it slow with him right now-switching him between CPAP and NS every 6 hours for the first 24 hours. Tomorrow, depending on how he is doing, they will put him back on CPAP if he is not handling NS or extend the time between CPAP and NS to every 12 hour if he is doing ok.
Please continue to keep Benjamin in your prayers.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Day 102- Big Steps Ahead
Saturday, December 26, 2009
New Pictures have been posted
Friday, December 25, 2009
Day 99- Merry Christmas!
Benjamin has now hit the 6 pound mark! He weighs 6 pounds 1.2 ounces. The doctors even bumped up his feeds a little more today- watch out full term babies. His doctors are planning to try and take Benjamin off of CPAP and try him on only oxygen thru a nasal cannula in 7-10 days. This will be another huge step for him. They have said it could be challenging, but we're ready for him to try it!
Thank you for your continued prayers and Merry Christmas! We are so thankful for the special gift God has given us.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Day 96 - Big day ahead
Monday, December 21, 2009
Day 95 - Getting Bigger
Benjamin's lungs are starting to improve and look and sound much better. They have now lowered the pressure settings on his CPAP from 6 from 5. This may sound like a small difference, but it is really a big step. He is making some great progress.
Tomorrow is another eye exam. Please pray that his eyes are still developing correctly.
Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. Please continue to pray for his eyes and lungs.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Day 89 - Going Strong
His lungs are still an issue, but they have lowered some of his settings so they are slowly improving. We just have to be patient and remember that it takes time.
He had another eye exam today and they still look the same - mild ROP.
We are still holding him and reading him a bedtime story each night which puts him right to sleep.
Please continue to pray for his eyes and lungs.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
New pictures have been posted
Here is the link....
Day 83 - Santa's Little Helper
Benjamin's doctor today hadn't been on rotation to take care of Benjamin in about 1-2 weeks and he said Benjamin was doing so much better than the last time he saw him. He also said he is doing so good on the weight gain that he was going to cut back just a little on his milk intake.
The doctors have been able to continue to wean his Nitric Oxide that he is on for his lung development and his oxygen requirements are still around 35% which is also pretty good. We will continue to be patient and wait on the Lord to finish developing his premature lungs.
Benjamin's eye exam this week was the same as before - mild ROP and the eyes are still developing.
Benjamin also weighs just over 5 lbs now.
Thanks for your continued prayer support!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Day 81 - Still cruising
His eyes still have mild ROP, but they are still developing, so we are just waiting to see if they continue to develop correctly on their own.
Recently, when he feeds, his oxygen requirement goes up, so it looks like his acid reflux has returned. This was happening when he was on the ventilator, but once he was put on CPAP, it seemed to stop. So today, to try to help, his feedings were changed to continuous feeds instead of once every three hours. This should help his acid reflux because he is always getting a little bit of milk, instead of a lot at once. Hopefully this helps him get the reflux under control.
Benjamin seems to be doing well. He is very alert and will look at you when you talk to him or touch him. He looks like he is trying to process what is going on. He also likes his lullaby music as it puts him right to sleep.
Right now, we are just waiting on his lungs to develop further. He is making some great progress. We are so proud of him. Please continue to pray for him!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Day 73 - Making some progress
Benjamin has another eye exam on Tuesday. His last exam this past Tuesday looked similar to his previous exams. He still has mild ROP, but his eyes are still developing so they could heal on their own or he may need surgery to correct the issue.
Benjamin is growing and getting bigger. Benjamin weighed 4 lbs, 5 ounces last night. He has had some nice weight gain over the past few days. Hopefully this continues.
Sorry for the lack of updates recently; the Thanksgiving holiday threw our schedule off.
Please pray that Benjamin's lungs continue to develop and he doesn't have to be put back on the ventilator. Please also pray for Benjamin's eyes that they continue to develop properly.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Day 66 - Still fighting
Saturday night Benjamin was so uncomfortable and was crying a lot. He just could not get comfortable. Today he was much calmer, so hopefully this continues, so we can go back to holding him. We haven't been able to hold him since he was put on CPAP because the doctors want him to rest and stabilize.
Benjamin will have his next eye exam on Tuesday. Last week indicated he has mild ROP, so the next few tests will probably indicate if he is going to develop his eyes properly on his own or if surgery will be needed to do that.
Please pray for Benjamin's lungs and eyes. He is trying so hard right now and is doing everything he can to stay off the vent.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Video Posted
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Day 62 - Big News for Ben
Benjamin had another eye exam to check for ROP (Retinopathy of Prematurity). His eyes haven't finished developing yet and at this point he does have mild ROP. They will continue to monitor his eyes and see how they develop. Right now, it could go either way; his eyes could develop correctly on their own or he could need surgery to correct the problem. He has another exam on next Tuesday, so please continue to pray that his eyes develop correctly.
Benjamin is now regulating his own temperature. Before, his isolette regulated the temperature based on his body temperature. Now, the isolette is set at a temperature and it is up to him to warm/cool himself. So far he is doing really well and they have continued to lower the temperature inside. Eventually, he will get to the point where he will get out of his enclosed isolette and will get an open one. Because he has to regulate his body temperature, he is now wearing clothes. He looks so cute with his little outfits on.
Benjamin gained weight and was up to 3 lbs, 11 ozs. Tuesday night, but because he was on CPAP and working out, he lost weight and is now 3 lbs, 9 ozs.
Please continue to keep Benjamin in your thoughts and prayers.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Day 59 - A lot going on
We didn't know Benjamin extubated himself until the next day, but Sherri happened to read a Bible verse during the time Benjamin was trying CPAP for the first time.
The Lord God formed the man out of the dust from the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils. Genesis 2:7
This is just another reminder God is in control and he is going to get Benjamin to that next step and allow him to breathe life on his own. We need to remember to be patient.
Recently, the doctors have become concerned with his weight gain. He has been gaining weight, but not as fast as they would like. He is still growing at a "normal rate," but he is on the low end. To help him gain some weight, the doctors decided to add some oil (triglycerides) to his milk, which should help him. They want him to get bigger because this will help his lungs get healthier and help his body continue to develop correctly.
Benjamin also got another blood transfusion yesterday. They are just taking it out faster than he can produce it right now.
Last night Sherri and I sang him nursery rhymes and other songs while he fell asleep. Benjamin really seemed to enjoy it and doesn't seem to mind our off-key renditions of the classics. The same can not be said for the nurses that were within ear shot.
Sherri held him today and we both gave him a bath tonight. He seems to really enjoy both and responds well when we are around.
We took his measurements tonight and the oil seems to have helped him already. He is now 3 lbs 9 ounces and 16 1/4 inches long.
Please continue to pray for Benjamin.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Day 54 - Successful Eye Exam
Benjamin had his third eye exam today and everything looked good. He is now going to get an exam every two weeks instead of weekly.
Benjamin also extubated himself again last night. While we don't want him to continue this practice, this time wasn't as bad as he handled it much better than last time. Hopefully, very soon, if he extubates himself again, he will handle it really well and the doctors will decide he is ready to get off the vent. Also, in the process of pulling his tube out, we found out he has acid reflux. We didn't know why his stats would drop when he was feeding, but now we know and it can be treated. Just another piece of the puzzle needed to be solved.
The nurses are really supportive and are allowing us to hold him frequently. We were able to hold him skin to skin for two hours straight today. Research has shown that this method works wonders for his development.
Thank you everyone for your continued thoughts and prayers; this too works wonders in Benjamin's life.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Day 53- Holding Steady
He weighs about 3 lbs 3 ounces and last night they measured him and he is now.... 16 1/4 inches long! Growing fast.
Tomorrow is another eye exam. Hopefully that goes well. Thank you all for your continued prayer support for Benjamin.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Day 51- Two steps forward One step back...
Benjamin is getting more and more fidgety and active. He accidentally extubated himself the other night. He was lifting his head from side to side and his tube that connects him to his ventilator came out. The doctors said the way he responded shows that he is definitely not yet ready to be weaned off of the ventilator. He had difficulty breathing and needed to be revived by using the resuscitation bag.
I know it sounds like so much going on; but he has had a tremendous amount of improvement this past week even with the setbacks. I know we are asking a lot of Benjamin to get him where he needs to be, but I keep reminding myself- Our God is Big. He will get there!
Benjamin will have another eye exam on Tuesday of this week. Please continue to pray for his eyes and his Lungs.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Day 47- Successful Eye Exam
He is looking good. We just need him to stay free of infection and to continue to develop and grow. The doctors were able to wean Benjamin down to even lower settings on the ventilator today. : )
Todd and I were both able to hold Benjamin for quite a while this evening. He seems to sleep peacefully while being held. He is now weighing about 3 pounds and is 15 1/4 inches long.
Thanks so much to all of you for your prayers.
Day 47- Continued Development
He has his second eye exam this morning. Please continue to pray for Benjamin's eyes and his lung development.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Day 44 - Happy Halloween
Benjamin weighed in at 3 pounds 1 ounce Friday night, which is an overnight gain of about 4 ozs. He definitely looks like he is growing, but the doctors believe a lot of that weight gain is just water weight. He was given a diuretic to help him pee it out. He will be measured late Sunday night and we should know his true weight and height Monday morning.
Tonight was bath night for Benjamin and we got to help clean him up again. He did really well with it and looks good; he cleans up really nice. After his bath, he was wide awake, so I held my hand over his back and after a few seconds his eyes started to slowly close and went to sleep.
Sherri continues to hold him every day and from what I hear, he does really well with it and seems to enjoy it. I have been working a lot lately and haven't been able to see him as much as I would like, so I look forward to when I am able to hold him again.
Please continue to pray for our little one and for his lungs to develop.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Day 40 - Eye exam update
Just waiting on his lungs now so we can wean him off the ventilator; please continue to pray for him.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Day 39 - Eye exam tomorrow
His lungs are still his main issue; he is fluctuating a lot on his oxygen requirement. Hopefully he gets past this and his lungs begin to get stronger.
Tomorrow morning is Benjamin's first eye exam to see how his eyes are developing. We should know the results tomorrow morning and will post the results.
Please pray for Benjamin's lungs and his eyes.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Day 37 - Finally holding Benjamin
Eventually, we will be able to hold him more often, but we have to wait for his lungs to develop more and he no longer requires a ET tube connecting him to the ventilator. Last night, his oxygen requirement had to go up and was up all day, but but the doctors think it is just due to his immature lungs, so hopefully that is all it is. His tube was out of place some this morning, so that may have been part of the problem.
His PICC line did come out last night, so now he just has his ET tube and feeding tube in him now.
Overall, he seems really peaceful and happy. Benjamin really enjoyed Sherri holding him and hopefully, he does as well with me tomorrow.
FYI - new pictures have been uploaded
Please continue to pray for Benjamin's lungs and his eyes.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Day 35 - Bath time
Yesterday evening was Benjamin's bath day. Our nurse waited for us to get there so we could help out and participate in bathing him for the first time. He really seemed to enjoy it - the nurse said he had a peaceful look on his face the entire bath. Sherri washed his body and I washed his head. He particularly enjoyed the shampooing of the hair and head massage.
He has increased his feedings and is doing really well with digesting so the doctors said his PICC line should come out soon. They use this line to give him extra nutrients, but since he is tolerating the milk and eating enough, he will no longer need it. This is a big step because it decreases a site for infection and he is getting big enough to get the nutrients he needs from the breast milk.
Overall he looks good; the only issue is his lungs. Please continue to pray for Benjamin.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Day 33 - Still hanging in there
He is still tolerating his feeds and they have continued to increase the amount he gets and is now up to 15 ml every 3 hours.
Next Tuesday, Benjamin gets his first eye exam to see how his eyes are developing. They are also testing for retinopathy of prematurity (ROP).
Other than that, he is resting and doing pretty well. Please continue to pray for Benjamin's lungs and that his eyes are developing correctly.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Day 31 - Still waiting on the lungs
We are so thankful to all of you for your prayers; we believe God is developing Benjamin and will continue to take all of us through this. Let's pray for a good week to come.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Day 29 - Moving day
Benjamin was not too happy about the move. When he got to his new bed, he was not getting enough oxygen and was having trouble breathing. They tried increasing his oxygen but that was not really helping. After a few hours and a couple of x-rays and a few changes to the breathing tube, he finally settled down. Overall, he is ok, but the move seems to have set his lungs back some. He is on some breathing treatments to help his lungs develop, so hopefully this is a temporary setback and he recovers as he should.
At 28 days (28 weeks gestational age), Benjamin weighed in at 2 lbs, 4 ozs. Even though his lungs are having trouble, overall, he is doing ok and still having good days; he is resting, eating and waiting for his lungs to develop. Please continue to pray for Benjamin and for his lungs to develop correctly.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Day 26 - Resting Comfortably
These last few days have really been a blessing; please continue to pray for many more good days.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Day 25 - Still resting
Benjamin was weighed over the weekend and is now just over 2 pounds. His feedings have continued to be increased since his surgery since he is digesting it really well. You can all ready tell when he gets hungry because he starts to get restless.
Overall, Benjamin looks pretty good. The concern right now is still his lungs, but he started a steroid yesterday that should help those grow. Hopefully the good days continue; please continue to pray for Benjamin.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Day 22 - Benjamin is growing
Benjamin was weighed last night and he has gained 10 ounces since being born. He is up to 1 lbs, 15 ozs. Looking at him you can tell he is looking bigger.
He also had his first bath last night and seemed to tolerate that; hopefully that continues.
Overall, he has had a quiet two days and is just resting and recovering. Lets all pray that this continues and he continues developing.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Day 20 - Recovering from surgery
This evening, since his chest tube came out and he was improving, we got to change his diaper. Sherri changed him this time, and while it turned out better than when Todd did it, Benjamin really hopes we both get better at it. After we changed him, we got to hold him in our hands again. It took him a few seconds to get used to being held, but he settled down and we each held him in our hands for a few minutes. Unofficially, he is growing as his body feels heavier and looks longer. His face is also chubbier; he is starting to look really cute!
Also, since the tube is out and he is more stable, the nurses put him on his side and stomach for the first time. This helps with the muscle development and gets him used to sleeping in different positions. He really seemed to enjoy being tucked up on his stomach. This position should also really help his lungs. He needs more oxygen than before, but this should begin to decrease as he improves from the surgery.
Overall, it was a good day; hopefully the first of many. Amazingly, Benjamin already turns 21 (days) tomorrow. Please continue praying for his recovery and development.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Day 19 - Surgery Update
The tube that was in Benjamin's chest also came out during the surgery. The air sac looks like it has healed and no air accumulated overnight.
Since the surgery was performed in his isolate, a sterile environment was needed, so they removed his little bed. After the surgery, they let us take the bed home he has been on since he was born.
Overall, Benjamin seems to be doing really well. He is hanging in there and we are taking it one day at a time. Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Day 18 - Big day for Benjamin
First, Benjamin had another head ultrasound this morning. The doctors ordered an ultrasound because he had the busted air sac and sometimes bleeding in the head will happen if the baby is under a lot of stress. The ultrasound came back normal so unless something happens, he will not have any more head ultrasounds for a while!
Next, the busted air sac in Benjamin's lungs looks like it is healed. The doctors decided to clamp the tube that is in his chest today to see if air accumulates in his chest. The x-ray this afternoon came back normal and it looks like no air has accumulated in his chest. He has one more x-ray in the morning and if the x-ray shows no air has leaked, the tube will be coming out!
Thirdly, the pneumonia and the E. Coli infections still seems to be under control. Benjamin seems to be doing much better and the infection is beginning to clear up.
Finally, after we left late Sunday night, Benjamin's stats began to fluctuate and the nurse continued to change his oxygen setting on his ventilator to try to stabilize him. He was never in any real danger; the nurse just wanted to get the settings right so his stats wouldn't move so much. This morning, the doctors checked his heart and heard a murmur. This murmur, coupled with the fluctuating stats, lead the doctors to believe his Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) opened back up, so an echo scan was ordered. It turns out, the PDA was moderately open. Because of the size of the opening and other medicine Benjamin took, medicine to close the PDA was not an option. Surgery is needed to close it. The surgery is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon.
We were told this surgery is very common for premature babies, but Benjamin will be put under anesthesia and will be completely sedated. Benjamin will be placed on his stomach and the surgeon will make a small incision in Benjamin's back to close the PDA. The surgery should only last for about 10 minutes and hopefully once the surgery is finished, Benjamin should begin to improve and his stats should become more stable. This surgery should help stabilize his blood pressure and help minimize his oxygen requirement.
Even though this surgery is common, it is still scary and a lot can happen. Please pray that the surgery goes well and that there are no complications.
Benjamin seems to be improving and hopefully this surgery will be the final thing he needs so he can really begin to grow and develop. Please continue to pray for Benjamin.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Day 16 - Starting to look good
Benjamin's lungs are starting to look better also. The busted air sac is still leaking air, but all his x-rays are looking good and the tube in his chest is working as it should. Hopefully the air sac will heal on its own in a few days so they can take the tube out. Both of his lungs are now inflated and they are slowly weaning his oxygen down. His lungs are still too underdeveloped to breathe on his own, but he is going in the right direction.
Last night Benjamin tried a pacifier for the first time. The nurse put it in his mouth and after a few seconds he started to suck on it. He kept it in his mouth and it really seemed to comfort him. Even though we gave him the smallest pacifier, it was almost as big as his whole head!
Benjamin has had a few good days; hopefully this will be the start of a good long run. Even though a lot is going on, Benjamin is really starting to improve and look good. He is very stable and his vitals continue to hold even when they lower the oxygen, take him off medicine, etc. He really seems to be improving each day. Please keep him in your prayers.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Day 14 - Getting Better
Benjamin also had to get an i.v. in his scalp today; the veins in his arms and legs are too beat up. In order to put the i.v. in, they had to shave some of his head. So Benjamin got his first haircut today! They saved the hair for us and we took it home.
Hopefully, this is the beginning of a long period of stability. Keep him in your thoughts and prayers.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Day 13 - Better, but still not there.
Another setback today, in addition to the pneumonia, Benjamin had another spontaneous air leak. An air sac busted open again; this is called pneumothorax. This happened the other day and the doctors were able to needle the air out and the leak healed on its own, but this time, too much air escaped and air was filling up in his chest. Benjamin had a minor procedure done this afternoon to insert a tube into his chest to constantly suck out the air while the leak heals. If all goes well, the tube should only be in there for a few days. Luckily, the nurses and doctors were watching him closely and responded quickly. Benjamin is responding well to the treatment and his vitals are looking much better already.
Hopefully in a few days, Benjamin makes a full recovery and is over all of this and continues his development path. He has had a rough few days, but is continuing the fight. Thank you to everyone for your continued thoughts and prayers.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Day 11 - Tough Day for Benjamin
Benjamin's lungs are still a concern right now. He had the busted air sac, but the air did not reaccumulate, which is good. The chest x-ray looked slightly better today and they will continue to monitor it.
Benjamin's blood pressure was really low today. The doctors believed that the ductus in his heart opened back up, since low blood pressure is a sign of an open ductus, but they did a scan and it is still closed. They are now trying to figure out why the blood pressure is so low; right now it appears that it is just due to the infection. This was returning back to normal when we left this evening.
Benjamin's head ultrasound came back normal, which is great news! This shows no bleeding in his brain. This was an important ultrasound since most bleeding in the brain will happen in the first 10 days.
While making sales calls in the medical center today Kayla (Sherri's sister) met a missionary. She works in the hospitals and nursing homes throughout Houston and mentioned she wanted to go see Benjamin and pray for him. When Sherri and her mom arrived to see Benjamin tonight, she was already there. She prayed with them and lifted up Benjamin with her words and praise. It was very comforting to hear her certainty in God's work and power. Sherri believes she might be a guardian angel that came across Benjamin's path today.
Please continue to keep Benjamin and us in your prayers.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Day 10 - Infection Update
The doctors have also been watching Benjamin's breathing; he was having difficulty maintaing a proper oxygen supply. It turns out an air sac in his right lung was punctured and this is caused by too much pressure going into the lungs. The doctors are treating this and we should know more tomorrow. Hopefully this will heal with minimal treatment. The doctors mentioned this happens with babies this small.
Benjamin has had a rough few days, but he is fighting. Everyone keeps saying be prepared, it's a roller coaster and we now know what they mean. Please keep us in your thoughts and say a prayer for Benjamin.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Day 8 - Benjamin has an infection.
Please continue to pray for Benjamin!
Benjamin is 25 Weeks Old (7 days in the NICU)!
Benjamin started off a little bruised in the face. The doctor's said that was normal and was expected, but this would go away in a few days. The pictures don't show the true colors, but his little face was black and blue, but after a few days,the bruising was all gone.
Two head ultrasounds were done to check for bleeding in the brain. Both came back normal and he has another one scheduled for Monday, Sept. 28, so hopefully that one looks good as well.
Benjamin's lungs are very underdeveloped so he needs help breathing at a level his body needs. He was put on an oscillating ventilator to help him, and so far he is slowly improving.
As expected, Benjamin, had a bout with jaundice. He was put on light therapy to help him get through it. His levels improved and was taken off of the light, but the next day the level rose again, and they put the light back on him. This was expected and he is now off the light, hopefully for good.
Benjamin's eyes opened during the time he was off the light the first time! When he was born, because he was so young, his eyes were still fused shut. While he was on the light therapy, the doctor's placed an eye shield over his eyes because the light was so bright. When they removed the shield - he opened his eyes!
It appears that Benjamin's patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is now closed which is a good thing. While the babies are in the womb, there is a valve in the heart that remains open until birth. In full term babies, this valve will close on its own, but in premature babies, they usually need help to close it through medicine or surgery, but Benjamin did it on his own. Hopefully it will remain closed as it should.
Benjamin is now being fed breast milk. He seems to be handling it ok and he actually looks like he is starting to plump up now.
We got to hold Benjamin for the first time in our hands. He fit in Todd's hands and seemed to enjoy it all around. Todd also changed his first diaper! Benjamin hopes he gets better at it! :)
Benjamin got a new hat. Someone came around to give hats out to all the babies and our nurse picked an owl hat for him. It is so cute and appropriate since Todd just graduated from Rice University and their mascot is an owl. The nurse did not realize this, but felt so proud for picking it once we told her. He looks so cute in it.
Sorry for the long post, but we had to get everyone caught up. The next posts should be shorter easier to read.
Those are the highlights from the first week; Benjamin appears off to a good start. Let's all continue to pray for his development. We are so thankful for our little miracle!